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National Activities

  • A proposal made by the Federation in the year 1963 to the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India that a small delegation of the plywood Industry should visit a few countries outside to do an on-the-spot study of the foreign markets which was accepted by the Ministry of Commerce with a grant of Rs.10,000/- out of the Plywood Industry Voluntary Cess Fund to meet partially the expenditure of delegation tour.  After that an Indian Plywood Delegation of five members headed by the then President of FIPPI Late Shri A.K. Kaderkutty visited to West Asia, East Africa, and UK in 1963 to explore the possibilities of export of Plywood to these countries and secured export orders for a total value of Rs.6,62,345/- inspite of a competitive price which was executed in due course.

  • Federation was active member of the Plywood Industry Voluntary Cess Committee constituted by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry.

  • As a part of export promotion drive the Federation approached the Ministry of Commerce for a Grant-in-aid allocation for producing a brochure on the Indian Plywood for distribution in foreign markets. The Government of India sanctioned a grant of Rs.21,000/- from the Marketing Development Fund

  • In the year 1968 with a great initiative of members the Federation issued first quarterly journal entitled “Indian Wood Panels” during April 1968 and continued upto April 1969 after that due to unavoidable circumstances plywood journal ceased.

·      Federation had a good relation with DGTD (Timber Directorate) of the Ministry of Industry, Government of India, who had taken active interest in the various activities of Woodbased Industry and the Federation.

·     Federation has good liaison activities with the Ministry of Environment & Forests. Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Ministry of Finance and other related Ministries

·      Due to Federations initiative the Government of India banned export of rose wood logs.

·      As a result of the efforts of the Federation the Excise Duty was reduced to 16% on all Woodbased Products and Import duty on logs was reduced to 5%.

·      With great efforts of the Federation the Woodbased Industry has been transferred from Schedule-IV to Schedule-I.With efforts of the Federation the Government permitted the import of logs from 1985 to conserve the indigenous valuable forest resource on a nominal duty of 10% which is reduced to 5%

·      In view of shortage of Formaldehyde resins on request and initiative of the Federation of Indian Plywood & Panel Industry the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India had included “Methanol” in the shopping list of Plywood exporters vide Public Notice NO: 196-ITC/(PN)73 dated 19.11.1973 issued by the Chief Controller of Import & Exports to enable exporters of Plywood to import Methanol through STC (State Trading Corporation) against Advance/REP Release order and get “Mathanol” converted to Formaldehyde and/or resin an adhesive for Plywood manufacturing units with effort of Federation the Members took active role in plywood export through STC.

·      The Federation took up space at NBO Display Centre and arranged the display of Timber products which was highly appreciated by the Minister of Works Housing & Urban Development and at the request of the Federation’s Secretary on 13th March 1969 Professor Barge Steenberg Director of the Forestry and Forest Industry Division of FAO paid a visit to the Timber Product section in the display section of the NBO who appreciated the Indian finished timber products.

·      Federation also had participated in 3rd Asian International Trade Fair (Asia 72) held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi in collaboration with CAPEXIL during 1972.

·      During the year 1997 and 1978 a study report sponsored by the Federation of Indian Plywood & Panel Industry on the availability of wood Raw-Material timber for plywood Industry in the two regions Kerala, Karntaka and North Eastern was presented by the Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi Kerala State.

·      The Development Panel was constituted in 1984 by the Ministry of Industry to review the status of Woodbased Industry in India and also constituted various sub-committee under the Development Panel like Raw-Material Sub-Committee Plywood Sub-committee Particleboard Sub-committee etc.

·      Federation of Indian Plywood & Panel Industry was a Co-sponsor in the National Conference on Standardization and Quality Upgradation of Lignocellulosic Panel Products which Bureau of  Indian Standards Organized in New Delhi on 29-30 December 1992

·      Federation of Indian Plywood & Panel Industry alongwith Indian Institute of Forest Management Bhopal  organized a National Seminar on Raw Material supply to Paper and Lignocellul;osic Panel Products Industry:Captive Plantation on 22nd and 23rd March 1993. Follow up meeting held on 21st April 1993 where the then President Mr. M.M. Jalan presented important informative papers in the said Seminar.

·      A Development Council for Plywood and other Panel products constituted on 19/11/1993 by the Ministry of Industry and continued upto 19th November 1995 to develop the Woodbased Industry in various field.

·      Federation was active member of these Development Panel and Development Council and always provided all assistance and information as required from time to time for making report on Woodbased Industry.

·      Federation always helps to the extent possible to all Foreign delegation when they visit India and provides them statistical and other information on the Woodbased Industry in India.

·      Members of the Federation had good export performance of their finished products and Export of Plywood started picking up  in a big way in the year 1993 to European, Middle East and Asian countries.

·      Federation makes representation to the Government Departments as and when necessary and also leads personal delegations to the Ministers concerned and to the Departmental officers. Federation is trying to bring the Furniture manufacturers, Laminates, Woodworking Machinery in India under the umbrella of Federation so that they too get proper representation.

·      The Federation on behalf of the Woodbased Industry offers its wholehearted cooperation to the Government in implementing their plans of afforestation and regeneration particularly of those species of Timber which are needed for the production of timber sheet material where some of the Federation’s prominent members are already engaged in vast captive timber plantation programme to meet the shortage of raw-material timber for wood based industry. Due to shortage of timber and availability of Bamboo in India the Planning Commission, Government of India, Bamboo Mission, various research institutes are encouraging Plywood Industry to adopt Bamboo as raw material in place of Wood because Bamboo has got some properties as wood. FIPPI supports this encouragement and some prominent members of Federation from North Eastern Region have already taken initiative to produce Bamboo and Wood combine products

·      The Federation disseminates various technical knowledge to its members by keeping in touch with the progress and improvement which are being introduced by the producers in other developed countries like Finland, Japan, Canada, UK, USA, China etc. through circular regularly.

·     The Federation presently has taken active part with Government of India in reviving Plywood industry production activities in North Eastern region which was ceased operation due to Hon’ble Supreme Court Order on 12/12/1996 to ban tree felling and production of  all wood products in North Eastern region.  

International Activities

·      The Ministry of Food & Agriculture, Government of India nominated the President of FIPPI as India’s representative for the FAO Committee on Woodbased Panel products. The first session of this committee was held in Rome from 12th to 14th December 1966 where the then President of FIPPI Mr. P.D. Chitlangia,  Managing Director of Sarda Plywood Industries Limited attended. Simultaneously nominated the President of FIPPI upto 6th Session of FAO Committee on Woodbased Panel Products in 1980.

·      The Federation also organized  a plywood Exhibition in Delhi at NBO (National Building Organization) at new Assembly Hall on the occasion of the IXth Commonwealth Forestry Conference from the 16th to 25th January 1968.

·      Federation’s representative participated many times in an ILO Tripartite Technical Meeting on Woodworking Industry in Geneva as an Employees delegate nominated by the All India Organization of Industrial Employees.

·     FIPPI was one of the active members of the Indian organizing committee for the 3rd World consultation on Woodbased Panels held in India from 6th to 16th February 1975 and whole heartedly participated the World consultation in collaboration with members which was organised by FAO and the Government of India acting as host organized the World Consultation on Woodbased panels.

·      On a request of the Government of India to FAO in 1979 for financing within the FAO Technical co-operation Programmes a project to assist in modernizing the Indian Plywood & Panel Industry which was approved by FAO in 1979 and the FAO team leader of the Project took up his position in the mid March 1980. The project was signed by  the then Inspector General of Forests and the implementation of the project was given to the FIPPI, which maintains its office in New Delhi.

·      The FAO/UNDP Technical consultation on Wood Based panels held in New Delhi from 13-17 January 1983, the FIPPI was one of the members of organizing committee for the Technical consultation and participated the consultation alongwith other members.

·      FIPPI was one of member organizer of 8th Asian Plywood Manufacturers  Conference held on 17th – 20th October 1983 in Manila, Phillipines.

·      Off and on visitors from Foreign countries come to Federation office and discuss on various subjects on Woodbased Industry and collect important statistical information on the present status of Woodbased Industry in India

·      A high level Malaysian Business Delegation visited India during October 2002 where they met FIPPI’s members at Hotel Le Meredien and discussed on various subjects like Furniture, Laminates, Import-Export, Technology transfer, Marketing etc.

·      Recently Federation had got from FAO an Invitation to the Expert Consultation on Trade and Sustainable Forest Management Impacts and Interactions to be held from 3-5 February 2003.

·      On various representation from Federation against the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India, Order 2003-Restriction on import of logs) the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture has to amend the following:-

1.      Reduce the restriction on import of timber logs.

2.      Increase the list of timber species for importing

3.      Delete the finished timber products like Plywood/Veneer from the import restriction list.

Considering past activities of the Federation it is striving for a better future and to remain competitive in the International market the Federation has taken the initiative with the cooperation of all concerned in the Wood Panel Industry for organizing an International Seminar & Exhibition on Plywood, Panel Products, Furniture, Laminates, Bamboo and Woodworking Machinery and have successfully organized “PANELEXPO 2003” held in New Delhi from 4th to 7th September 2003 and “PANELEXPO 2005” which was held from 6th to 9th April 2005 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi India in co-sponsorship of International Tropical Timber Organization, (ITTO),Planning Commission, International Network for Bamboo & Rattan (INBAR) Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (FRI Dehradun), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, Indian Plywood Industries Research & Training Institute (IPIRTI Bangalore), CAPEXIL and National Mission on Bamboo Application, New Delhi. After resounding grand success of Panelexpo 2003 & 2005 the 3rd edition of Panelexpo 2007 an exclusive International Exhibition and Seminar focusing on the emerging trends and opportunities in the Plywood, Panel, Furniture, Laminates, Bamboo and other Allied Products will be held in April 2007.

Main Subjects handled by the Federation are:

·                     Supply and prices of raw material viz. timber and resins

·                     Excise & Customs duties and other Government levies

·                     Import of machinery and spare part

·                     Delegation and various communication related to Woodbased industry to foreign countries

·                     Export promotion and other matters relating to the smooth running of the Woodbased industry and its development. 

·                     Federation encourages members for Captive tree plantation to meet the gap of raw material timber demand and supply for individual unit as a result many members come forward with full fledge plantation programme and attend Seminar and Conference, which we intimate to members, to promote captive Tree Plantation.

Federation's Membership with other Organisations

The Federation is a member of the following Organisations & Committees:

  • Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry, New Delhi

  • Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi

  • FAO Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products

  • Indian Plywood Industries Research & Training Institute

  • Working Group on Forestry for the Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007) constituted by the Planning Commission in November 2000

  • Committee on Marketing and Trade of Bamboo constituted by the Planning Commission in April 2002.

  • Member of CAPEXIL - Export Promotion Council

  • National Technology Mission for Bamboo Development

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