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Research Institutions

Great emphasis is placed on research of materials and methods of production. To encourage and promote the industry the Government of India and the plywood manufacturers have established various research organizations in the country engaged in the advancements of silvicultural work and wood technology. These are:-

The Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun

Know more about FRI

The Indian Plywood Industries Research & Training Institute, Bangalore

Know more about IPIRTI

The Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee

Know more about CBRI

Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala

Know more about KFRI

Indian Institute Forest Management, Bhopal

Know more about IIFM

The Field Laboratory of the Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute,  Kolkata

Know more about IPIRTI

These institutions also provide training for Plywood Technologies

In addition, large Plywood factories have their own Research and Development Laboratories to conduct tests and experiments.

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) 

Standardisation of products

To ensure universally high standardization and uniformity of Indian Plywood and Other Panel products the Bureau of Indian Standards Institution, New Delhi modeled on the line of the British Standards Institution has drawn up Standard specifications for various types of plywood and other panel products with the cooperation of the Industry and Research Institutions. These standards are model specifications and serve as the technical basis for trade contracts.

To ensure the highest standards of Quality and efficiency of Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi has a system of "Certification Mark" to certify conformity of products to the various specifications which stand as a guarantee of quality.

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